As the largest Canon and Sharp dealer in West Texas and in Eastern New Mexico, we want to provide you with every resource to make your office run smoothly. We invite you to check out the new streamlined process for ordering supplies, entering meter readings and getting service. In addition, we want to keep you informed about the newest technology and services to help your business run better. At Tascosa Office Machines, we strive to be up front with our customers on the capabilities and limitations of what is out in the market place, and what would suit each individual customer. The reality is that different environments have different application needs.
The most cost-effective way to maximize productivity is with a balanced deployment of printers and multifunction systems designed with your company’s specific needs in mind. At Tascosa Office Machines we partner with a variety of the industry’s most respected technological companies and not just one or two. So, our only motivation is to understand your business needs and match the best products to meet those needs. We’ve got your best interest in mind, in fact our motto is “You need it, we got it.” Let us know how we can help you.